How you navigate to your projects in terminal? cd? ranger? nnn? t a Well, these are not desinged for navigating projects and they really do their jobs but not so efficient.

Let me introduce the fzf_projects.

First, you need to install fzf. Simply go through the tutorial here.

Second, put the following code in your shell configuration file.

Note: project_roots is a list of directories that projects inside within depth 1 will be added as projects candidates. developer_root is a directory that project inside within depth 2 will be added.

# Switch projects
function fzf_projects() {
# Each root is consist of PATH:scan_depth
project_scans=("${HOME}:1" "${HOME}/Dropbox:1" "${HOME}/go/src:1" "${HOME}/Developer:2")

local project scan_depth
for project_scan in ${project_scans[@]}; do
IFS=: read -r project scan_depth <<<"${project_scan}"
if [[ -d ${project} ]]; then
for dir in $(find ${project} -maxdepth ${scan_depth} -type d); do
if [[ -d ${dir}/.git ]]; then

local IFS=$'\n'
selected_project=$(echo "${projects[*]}" | fzf)

cd ${selected_project}
alias pp=fzf_projects

Third, source your shell configuration again or open a new terminal window. Trigger fzf_projects by input pp.