This is my Spacemacs personal config on Github:

> Common Stuffs

In key bindings, M stands for Alt key (option key for mac), s for Command key, C for Control key, SPC for Space key.

Key Bindings Description
C-g Quit
! ! evil shell command output to the current line
C-o Evil jump backward
C-i Evil jump forward
C-o Open Action panel when mini dired enabled
C-h k/v/f/d Key/ variable/ function/ Documentation
C-h C-k/v/f Find key/ variable/ function
C-h e Show Emacs’s errors
SPC SPC (M-x) eval-buffer, customize-group
SPC e n Js2-next-error
s-/ Comment
SPC j i Imenu (show all the functions)
SPC v Expand Region
SPC x o Open link
C-q Insert Quote
SPC s e iedit: need to select in vim-visual mode, and then press the key to edit them.
SPC ? List key bindings
*SPC '* Pop up shell

> Debug

Kill emacs when not responding: pkill -SIGUSR2 -i emacs, and use toggle-debug-on-quit to enable C-g.

The following command profile the CPU.

Key Bindings Description
C-x C-e eval-last-sexp
M-. pop last command execute
Diminish Undo Show mode detail in the mode line, e.g. company-mode
SPC o ( Switches to the buffer ‘*ielm*’, or creates it if it does not exist.
*, d m* macrostep-transient-state, expand and collapse funcs and macros

> Python

In python mode, keys are start with prefix key C-c. | Key Bindings | Description | |--------------|------------------------------| | C-c C-p | run python | | C-c C-c | python shell send buffer | | C-c C-l | python shell send file | | C-c C-r | python shell send region | | C-c C-z | python shell switch to shell |

Key Bindings Description
SPC o d (M-s o) Occur dwim (see the occurrences in codes and
go through them by toggling them), use e to enter edit
e Go to edit mode (Under Occur mode)
C-c C-c Exit edit mode (Under Occur mode)
C-s Swiper
SPC r i / C-c C-r (F6) Ivy-resume, e.g. resume the swiper view
SPC r h Helm-resume, e.g. resume counsel-git view
SPC s Grep(g), ag(a), ack(k), pt(t) <br>Project a/g p, Directory t/k f.
C-c C-e Show results in another buffer, and then edit(e.g. replace).
C-c C-c On the result buffer, commit changes.

> Replace

  1. Just use vim, :%s/xxx/yyy/g(c)
  2. Mark a key word, then use C-r (evil-quick-replace). It will automatically generate the vim command.
  3. Use Occur-dwim (SPC o d), then use iedit (SPC s e).
Key Bindings Description
M-% query-replace
C-M-% query-replace-regexp

> Toggle

Key Bindings Description
Spc t n Toggle line number
Spc t r Toggle relative line number
SPC t g toggle golden ration
SPC t - Center point
SPC t f Toggle fci-mode
Key Bindings Description
Spc h b Open bookmarks in helm window
C-d delete the selected bookmark
C-e edit the selected bookmark
C-f toggle filename location
C-o open the selected bookmark in another window
C-x C-d Run browse project directory
SPC f File related operation
SPC p f Open file with projectile or counsel-git
SPC f f Helm-find-file
C-M-j Ivy immediate done
SPC f L Find the file across the Whole Mac System
SPC f l find file literally
SPC f h Open file in hex mode(C-c C-c to exit)
SPC f o Open in default external application
SPC f E sudo edit
SPC f j Jump to dried, remapped to ranger
SPC f r Open recent file
SPC f R Rename current file
SPC f v Add local variable
SPC f a d find the current visited directory with fasd
SPC f C d/u convert file encoding between unix and dos
SPC f e d find the .spacemacs file
SPC f e i file the .emacs init file
SPC f b Show bookmarks
SPC f s/S Save buffers
SPC f c Copy file
SPC f t Open neo tree
SPC b Buffer related operation
SPC TAB Switch back and forth
SPC b . buffer micro state (hydra)
SPC b b Switch buffers
SPC b d Kill buffer
SPC b f Reveal in finder
SPC b B/i iBuffer
SPC b h Spacemacs home buffer
SPC b k Kill matching buffers
SPC b N New empty buffer
SPC b C-d Kill other buffers
SPC b R Safe revert buffer
SPC b s Scratch buffer
SPC b Y Yank the whole buffer
SPC b P Paste the whole buffer
SPC b w Write in dried buffer
SPC b n/p Next/Previous buffer
SPC l Layout related operation
SPC o l l load layout (ztlevi)
SPC o l s save layout (ztlevi)
SPC l o Custom layout
SPC l L/s Load or Save layout
SPC l l Switch between layouts
SPC l R Rename current layout
SPC l TAB Quick switch between layouts
SPC l ? Toggle layout help
SPC w Window Related Operation
SPC w . Window micro state (cheat sheet)
SPC w -/s Split window below and focus
SPC w //v Split window right and focus
SPC w m Toggle-maximize-buffer
SPC w 2/3 Use predefined window layout
SPC w b Switch to mini buffer
SPC w d Delete the current window
SPC w h/j/k/l Move to window
SPC w m Maximize window
SPC w H/J/K/L Move window to position
SPC w u/U Window undo/redo
SPC w o Switch to other frame
SPC w F make a new frame
M/(SPC w) 1/2/3/4 Go to window with the window number
SPC w = Balance windows
SPC w w Go to other window one by one
SPC w W Ace windows
SPC p Project related operation
SPC p f Project files
SPC p b Buffer files
SPC p p Switch to a project
SPC p l Switch to a project and create a layout
s-p Find files in project
SPC f j Dired Related Operation
j (dired) navigate down
k (dired) navigate up
h (dired) go up directory
l (dired) find file / enter directory
m Mark files. Use it with C and R
u Unmark files. Use it with C and R
t Mark all files.
U Unmark all files.
C When you will press C to copy, the other dir in the split pane will be default destination.
R Same thing with C. R stands for rename but also does move
f Find file. Can be used to create file.
+ Create directory
o Open file in another window
d Mark as delete.
x Take the punge.
SPC a Ranger Related Operation
C-c C-e Wdired-change-to-wdired-mode: write in ranger
C-c C-c Commit changes
C-c Esc Abort changes
SPC a r launch ranger
SPC a d deer (minimal ranger window in current directory)
C-p (ranger) toggle ranger in dired buffer
j (ranger) navigate down
k (ranger) navigate up
h (ranger) go up directory
l (ranger) find file / enter directory
RET (ranger) find file / enter directory
dd/ da (ranger) cut, da to add cut file
yy/ ya (ranger) copy, ya to add copy file
pp (ranger) paste
R (ranger) rename
D (ranger) delete
;+ (ranger) create directory
f (ranger) search for file names, also can create file
i (ranger) show preview of current file
zi (ranger) toggle showing literal / full-text previews
zh (ranger) toggle showing dotfiles
o (ranger) sort options
H (ranger) search through history
q (ranger) quit
r (ranger) revert buffer
z- (ranger) reduce number of parents
z+ (ranger) increment number of parents
v (ranger) toggle all marks
V (ranger) visually select lines
S (ranger) enter shell
C-SPC (ranger) mark current file
;C (ranger) copy directory / copy and move directory

> Org mode

Key Bindings Description
SPC a o o (C-c a) Org agenda
SPC m s (C-c C-s) Schedule
SPC m d (C-c C-d) Deadline
C-c C-e Org Export
C-c C-c Org evaluate block
  • Org evaluate block example:
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output
for i in range(10):

> Cycling

  1. Tab: toggle current headline
  2. S-Tab: globally toggle headlines

> Headline movement

Key Bindings Description
C- Insert heading respect current content below
M-/l Demote heading, list item at point or move table column right.
M-/h Promote heading, list item at point or move table column left.
M-/k Move subtree or table row up
M-/j Move subtree or table row down

> JS2 Mode

Key Bindings Description
js2-refactor commands A lot more key bindings could be found here
, r < js2r-forward-braf
, r > js2r-forward-slurp
The following 3 commands using xref-js2
M-. Jump to definition
M-, Pop back to where M-. was last invoked.
M-? Jump to references