Also called Sigmoid Cross-Entropy loss. It is a Sigmoid activation plus a Cross-Entropy loss. Unlike Softmax loss it is independent for each vector component (class), meaning that the loss computed for every CNN output vector component is not affected by other component values. That’s why it is used for multi-label classification, were the insight of an element belonging to a certain class should not influence the decision for another class. It’s called Binary Cross-Entropy Loss because it sets up a binary classification problem between C=2C'=2 classes for every class in CC, as explained above. So when using this Loss, the formulation of Cross Entroypy Loss for binary problems is often used:

CE=i=1C=2tilog(f(si))=t1log(f(s1))(1t1)log(1f(s1)) CE = -\sum_{i=1}^{C'=2}t_{i} log (f(s_{i})) = -t_{1} log(f(s_{1})) - (1 - t_{1}) log(1 - f(s_{1}))

This would be the pipeline for each one of the CC clases. We set CC independent binary classification problems (C=2C'=2). Then we sum up the loss over the different binary problems: We sum up the gradients of every binary problem to backpropagate, and the losses to monitor the global loss. s1s_1 and t1t_1 are the score and the gorundtruth label for the class C1C1, which is also the class CiC_i in CC. s2=1s1s_2=1-s_1 and t2=1t1t_2=1-t_1 are the score and the ground truth label of the class C2C_2, which is not a "class" in our original problem with CC classes, but a class we create to set up the binary problem with C1=CiC_1=C_i. We can understand it as a background class.

The loss can be expressed as:

CE={log(f(s1))ift1=1log(1f(s1))ift1=0 CE = \left\{\begin{matrix} & - log(f(s_{1})) & & if & t_{1} = 1 \\ & - log(1 - f(s_{1})) & & if & t_{1} = 0 \end{matrix}\right.

Where t1=1t_1=1 means that the class C1=CiC_1=C_i is positive for this sample.

In this case, the activation function does not depend in scores of other classes in CC more than C1=CiC_1=C_i. So the gradient respect to the each score sis_i in ss will only depend on the loss given by its binary problem.

The gradient respect to the score si=s1s_i=s_1 can be written as:

si(CE(f(si))=t1(f(s1)1)+(1t1)f(s1) \frac{\partial}{\partial s_{i}} \left ( CE(f(s_{i})\right) = t_{1} (f(s_{1}) - 1) + (1 - t_{1}) f(s_{1})

Where f()f() is the sigmoid function. It can also be written as:

si(CE(f(si))={f(si)1ifti=1f(si)ifti=0} \frac{\partial}{\partial s_{i}} \left ( CE(f(s_{i})\right) = \begin{Bmatrix} f(s_{i}) - 1 && if & t_{i} = 1\\ f(s_{i}) && if & t_{i} = 0 \end{Bmatrix}

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss

import tensorflow as tf

def binary_cross_entropy(X, y):
    m = y.shape[0]
    y = y.reshape((m))
    # apply sigmod 1/(1+e^-x)
    fX = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-X))

    # -Y * log(fX) - (1-Y) * (1-log(fX))
    a = -Y * np.log(fX) - (1 - Y) * np.log(1 - fX)
    ce = np.sum(-Y * np.log(fX) - (1 - Y) * np.log(1 - fX)) / m
    return ce

X = np.array([[9.7], [0]])  # (N, 1)
Y = np.array([[0],[1]])  # (N, 1)

print(binary_cross_entropy(X, Y))

Refer here for a detailed loss derivation.